2019 Spring Festival & Celebration

Nasser Modjarrad's Progressive Achievement Award

North Texas Asian Democrats

Spring Festival and Celebration

Nasser Modjarrad's

Progressive Achievement Award

2019 Award Recipient:

Honorable Tina Yoo Clinton

When:  May 1st, 2019

Time:  6 – 8 pm

Location:  Imoto Dallas

(Celebrity Chef Kent Rathbun)

2400 Victory Park Lane, Dallas, TX  75219

Tickets and Sponsorship now available at http://www.northtexasasiandemocrats.org/

For more information contact:

Michele Wong Krause at mwong@airmail.net

All program ads must be in “jpeg” or “pdf” format and must be e-mailed to: Treasurer@NorthTexasAsianDemocrats.org

no later than April 20, 2019, at 5 p.m.

Friends of NTAD (Ads Only):

     Business Card:               $30.00

     1/4 page ad:                   $50.00

     1/2 page ad:                   $75.00

     Full page ad:                   $100.00

Flaming Dragon Level    $1,000.00

Thundering Griffin Level


    Full page ad choice of inside or back cover

    20 Spring Festival drink tickets

    Hors d’oeuvres / appetizers

    7 festival entry tickets

    NTAD Membership

Roaring Phoenix Level


    Full page ad - inside cover

    16 Spring Festival drink tickets

    Hors d’oeuvres / appetizers

    7 festival entry tickets

    NTAD Membership


Dancing Lion Level    $500.00

Crouching Tiger Level    $250.00

Flying Stallion Level    $150.00

Individual Festival Entry Ticket    $65.00

Full page ad 12 Spring Festival drink tickets

Hors d’oeuvres / appetizers

6 festival entry tickets

1/2 page ad 10 Spring Festival drink tickets

Hors d’oeuvres / appetizers

4 festival entry tickets


1/4 page ad6 Spring Festival drink tickets

Hors d’oeuvres / appetizers

2 festival entry tickets


Business card ad 3 Spring Festival drink tickets

Hors d’oeuvres / appetizers

1 festival entry ticket

1 Spring Festival drink tickets

Hors d’oeuvres / appetizers

Click below to purchase tickets to NTAD's 2019 Spring Festival and Celebration Fundraiser